Raspberry Pi Introduction

### What is it ? The Raspberry Pi is a nano-computeur using the ARM processor (simple architecture and low consommation, used a lot in embedded computer like phones and tablets). This computer was created for learning programming, and make access to every one to a computer. You can use different free Operating System, GNU / Linux, and free softwares. You buy it naked (no case, no power, no keyboard, no screen or mouse), in that way, you can use recycling hardware. Appear in 2012

Raspberry Pi different versions

Raspberry Pi 0 (november 2015) (5$)

Raspberry Pi 0 vs First computer

Raspberry PI 1 A+ (2012) (20$)

Raspberry PI 2 B (february 2015) (35$)

Raspberry PI 3 B (february 2016) (40$) WIFI !

### Minimum equipment - Screen with HDMI cable - Mouse and keyboard - SD card - Power – micro USB like phone power - Case → http://beebom.com/2015/10/raspberry-pi-cases
#### Regular OS - Raspbian official one (light version of Debian) - NOOBS (easy installer for Raspbian) - Arch Linux - RISC OS - Windows 10 #### Others - OSMC = media center (https://osmc.tv/about/) - OpenElec = media center (http://openelec.tv/get-openelec) - Pimusicbox = music player / music box (http://www.pimusicbox.com/) - Volumio = music player / music box (https://volumio.org/) - Piplay = Gaming / Emulation (http://piplay.org/) - Recalbox = Gaming / Emulation (http://www.recalbox.com/diyrecalbox)
### Installing Raspbian - You need a computer, a SD card, a SD card reader - Download the image (Raspbian) and unzip it → https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ - Write the image to the SD card by following tutorial → https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/mac.md https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/windows.md On mac, you need to use the terminal, don't be afraid - Eject the SD card and put it into the Rpi - First Rpi config (raspi-config) → https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/raspi-config.md
### Raspberry Pi and electronics #### GPIO (General purpose, input / output) -> Programming with Processing / Python / or C++ - https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/gpio/ - http://makezine.com/projects/tutorial-raspberry-pi-gpio-pins-and-python/ #### Raspberry Pi and Arduino -> Programming with Python or Processing Serial - http://www.doctormonk.com/2012/04/raspberry-pi-and-arduino.html
### What you can do with Raspberry Pi #### Webserver - http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Raspberry-Pi-Web-Server - http://readwrite.com/2014/06/27/raspberry-pi-web-server-website-hosting/ #### Piratebox - https://piratebox.cc/raspberry_pi:diy - http://librarybox.us/ #### Arcade - http://www.instructables.com/id/Bartop-Mini-Retro-Arcade-Raspberry-Pi-and-Customis/ - http://www.instructables.com/id/NaCade-The-Naked-Raspberry-Pi-Arcade-Machine/ #### Kinect + Rpi = 3D scanner - http://www.mariolukas.de/2015/04/proof-of-concept-3d-scanner-with-kinect-and-raspberry-pi2/ #### Solar powered - http://www.instructables.com/id/Solar-Powered-Raspberry-Pi/ #### Twitter bot